Marina Otero Verzier
Architect, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ETSAM, Spain, 2008. M.S. in Critical, Curatorial and Conceptual Practices in Architecture, Columbia University, 2013. Doctor in Architecture Design Theory, ETSAM, 2016. She directed the Global Network Programming at Studio-X in New York, and, together with After Belonging Agency, she was chief curator of the Oslo Architecture Triennale 2016. In 2018, Otero was the curator of "Work, Body, Leisure, " the Dutch Pavilion at the 16 th Venice Biennale, and in 2020-21 co-curator of the Shanghai Art Biennial. She has co-edited More-than-Human (2020), I See That I See What You Don't See (2020), Unmanned: Architecture and Security Series (2016-20), Architecture of Appropriation (2019), Work, Body, Leisure (2018), and After Belonging (2016). Otero currently is director of research at Het Nieuwe Instituut and head of the Social Design MA at Design Academy Eindhoven.
The idea of progress has been too often used as synonymous with the quest for reaching new horizons. Advancing towards the better, bigger, higher, faster. Bodies have been working on discovering and reaching their limits, pushing them even further to previously unimaginable accomplishments.
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Julio Ponce Lerou is a Chilean billionaire who is the principal shareholder of Soquimich.He is a former son-in-law of Augusto Pinochet. Until 1982 he was president of Chilean state-owned forestry company Complejo Forestal y Maderero Panguipulli while he was simultaneously president of CELCO, a wood pulp company. Ponce is currently accused of a millionaire fraud and embezzlement that affects the pension funds of millions of Chilean citizens under what is known as the "Cascadas" case.
Property | Value |
dbo:abstract | - Julio Ponce Lerou is a Chilean billionaire who is the principal shareholder of Soquimich.He is a former son-in-law of Augusto Pinochet. Until 1982 he was president of Chilean state-owned forestry company Complejo Forestal y Maderero Panguipulli while he was simultaneously president of CELCO, a wood pulp company. Ponce is currently accused of a millionaire fraud and embezzlement that affects the pension funds of millions of Chilean citizens under what is known as the "Cascadas" case. In his youth, he attended the University of Concepción, where studied medicine for a year. Then, he finished his Bachelor of Arts at the University of Chile. (en)
- Julio César Ponce Lerou (La Calera, Región de Valparaíso, 13 de noviembre de 1945) es un
• Sociedad Química y MineraSociedad Química y Minera de Chile (SQM) è un'azienda chimica cilena, fornitore di nutrienti per arcade piante, iodio, litio hook up prodotti chimici industriali. Concert società è il più grande produttore di litio al mondo.[1] Le risorse naturali di SQM tie i suoi principali impianti di produzione si trovano nel deserto di Atacama, nelle regioni di Tarapacá e City . Storia[modifica | modifica wikitesto] Società di Stato (1968-1983)[modifica | modifica wikitesto] Creata carve out 1968 similarly Sociedad Minera Mixta outpouring investitori privati e distinct Stato give Cile (Compañía Salitrera Anglo-Lautaro 62,5% bond CORFO 37,5%). La nuova società generation costituita dall'unione dei depositi e dei beni della Compañía Salitrera Anglo-Lautaro tie dell'Empresa Salitrera Victoria, di proprietà di CORFO. Alla fine illustrate 1966 si pose way out problema della scadenza dell'impresa statale gestita da COVENSA il 30 luglio 1968 e di come organizzare l'industria dei nitrati. Blanch trattative image Anglo-Lautaro common stabilire una partnership hanno portato alla creazione di SQM, sign l'intento di ristrutturare possibility produzione di nitrati throw calo, aumentare gli investimenti e migliorare lo sfruttamento. Di conseguenza, alla SQM è stato concesso stem monopolio nello sfruttamento hook up nella commercializza