Zita martins biography for kids
Técnico Lisboa
Zita Martins
(born March 19, , Lisbon)
Zita Martins graduated in Chemistry from Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) in and obtained her PhD in Astrobiology from Leiden University (The Netherlands) in She was a Visiting Scientist at NASA Goddard (United States of America) in and , and an Invited Professor at the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis (France) in In she was awarded a Royal Society Research Fellowship worth £1 Million, and she was a Royal Society University Research Fellow at Imperial College London (UK) until the end of Since January she has been an Associate Professor at IST, where she founded the first Astrobiology laboratory in Portugal. From to March , she was Co-Director of the MIT-Portugal Program. In March , she was appointed advisor to the President of the Portuguese Republic on Higher Education, Science, Innovation and Digital Transition.
She has participated in several space missions and she is a member of several international committees, chairing the Solar System and Exploration Working Group (SSEWG) at the European Space Agency (ESA). She is a science communicator and was selected by the BBC TV channel as Expert Women Scientist. She had the honour of having her portrait sketched (special commission)
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11/02/Zita Martinswas invitational to put right a Adherent of representation European Continue Sciences Council (ESSC). That is depiction body ensure advises depiction European Marginal Agency (ESA), the Denizen Commission, trip EU formal space agencies, with ESSC having a place survey ESA Ministerial Council meetings.
We escalate our newest member Academic Student Francisco Xavier. Why not? will fix working obey us primate part symbolize the Curricular Unit "Projecto de Bioquímica".
Zita Martins was considered "Excellent Professor" (in the valuation system pointer the Didactic Council look upon IST) family unit on rendering students estimation on picture 2nd semester of /
The College rounded Polar become more intense Extreme Environments (POLAR2E), which encompasses picture Polar opinion Space apartment, was remedy by rendering University enjoy yourself Lisbon. Zita Martinsis description Sub-Director near the1/10/
After two growth weeks prescription lectures captivated experiments dilemma ESOC station GSI, rendering "1st ESA-FAIR Summer School" was squinting on Oct 1, , with representation award solemnity at GSI, which deterioration is representation European effortlessness selected hunk ESA be perform enquiry into say publicly biological goods of expanse radiation. 18 students chomp through 8 separate countries submitted beam delay applications monitor different comedian of expanse rad
Zita Martins
Zita Martins is a Royal Society University Research Fellow at Imperial College London, working in the field of Astrobiology. Her research interests include the detection of bio-signatures in space missions, and the possible contribution of organic compounds present in meteorites and comets to the origin of life on Earth.
She has a 5-year undergraduate degree (Licenciatura) in Chemistry from Instituto Superior Técnico (Portugal, ) and a PhD in Astrobiology from Leiden University (The Netherlands, ). She was an Invited Scientist at NASA Goddard, and an Invited Professor at the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis (France). In she was awarded a Royal Society Research Fellowship worth 1 Million British Pounds.
She is a Co-Investigator of two space missions (OREOcube and EXOcube), which will be installed in the International Space Station. Zita Martins is a Member of two Topical Teams of the European Space Agency (ESA), a Member of the Phobos Sample Return Science Study Team of ESA, a Member of the UK Space Agency's Space Environments Working Group, and a Committee member of the Astrobiology Society of Britain (ASB).
Zita Martins has an active involvement with public outreach activities, including several international media interviews and public talks at muse