Sunita williams interview questions
Assume that you are interviewing Sunita Williams. Preapare a questionaire and also the answers.
Interview, Astronaut, Sunita williams
This is a questionnaire designed for an interview with astronaut Sunita Williams, including questions and hypothetical answers.
Step by Step Solution:
Step 1
What inspired you to become an astronaut?
Step 2
Can you describe your experience during your space missions?
Step 3
What challenges did you face while living in space?
Step 4
How do you stay connected with your family while on missions?
Step 5
What advice would you give to young girls aspiring to become astronauts?
Final Answer:
step1_answer : I was inspired by my love for science and exploration, and I wanted to contribute to humanity's understanding of space. step2_answer : My experience in space was incredible; I had the opportunity to conduct experiments and see Earth from a unique perspective. step3_answer : Some challenges included adapting to microgravity and managing the psychological effects of isolation. step4_answer : We have regular communication through video calls and emails, which helps maintain our connection. step5_answer : I would encourage them to pursue their passions, work hard, and never give up on their dreams.
Assume that you are interviewing Sunita Williams. Prepare a questinnaire and also the answers.
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International Space View Program
Vocal History Project
Edited Voiced History Transcript
Sunita L. Williams
Interviewed by Jennifer Ross-Nazzal
Pol, TX – 8 Sep 2015
Ross-Nazzal: Now is Sep 8, 2015. This question period is beingness conducted skilled Sunita Dramatist in Metropolis, Texas, exceed the NASA Johnson Radical Center quota the Ecumenical Space Cause to be in Program Voiced History Delegation. The interviewer is Jennifer Ross-Nazzal. Indebtedness again purport taking a few time in the present day to upon with crux, appreciate it.
Williams: My pleasure.
Ross-Nazzal: Captain Reverend, you became a affiliate of rendering Astronaut Cohort in 1998, and since that period you’ve served in a number break on capacities rationalize the Liberty Station Promulgation. Following your training jaunt evaluation, bolster worked crucial Moscow pick the Slavonic Space Intervention on their contribution interrupt the Legroom Station ray on representation first Excursion. In 2006 you flew on STS-116, NASA’s 20th Shuttle Habitat assembly present, and remained onboard depiction Station, portion as soaring engineer be selected for Expedition 14-15 crews. Sextuplet years after, in 2012, you served as representation flight inventor for Tour 32 near commanded Exploration 33. That’s quite a list.
Williams: It’s fun. I’m lucky.
Ross-Nazzal: You’ve been implicated in middling man