Romanzi brevi di hermann hesse biography
Books by Francesca Ricci
I Meridiani
I Meridiani est une collection publiée par les éditions Mondadori, en quelque sorte l'équivalent italien de la collection française Bibliothèque de la Pléiade chez Gallimard. Elle a été fondée en par Vittorio Sereni et alors dirigée par Giansiro Ferrata, Sergio Polillo, Luciano De Maria, Ernesto Ferrero et Renata Colorni. Depuis novembre , son directeur est l'écrivain et critique littéraire Alessandro Piperno.
Livres dans la série
[modifier | modifier le code]- Samuel Joseph Agnon, Opere scelte, édité par Elena Loewenthal (à paraître)
- Leon Battista Alberti, Cantieri dell'Umanesimo, édité par Giulio Busi
- Alchimia. I testi della tradizione occidentale, édité par Michela Pereira (, series Classici dello Spirito)
- Jorge Amado, Romanzi, 2 volumes, édité par Paolo Collo, essai de Luciana Stegagno Picchio ()
- Ivo Andrić, Romanzi e racconti, édité par Predrag Matvejević, traductions de Dunja Badnjević ()
- Antologia della poesia latina, édité par Luca Canali, Alessandro Fo et Maurizio Pizzica ()
- Alberto Arbasino, Romanzi e racconti, 2 volumes, édité par Raffaele Manica ()
- Alberto Asor Rosa, Scritture critiche e d'invenzione, édité par Luca Marcozzi, essai de Massimo Cacciari, introductions par Corrado Bologna ()
- Ludovico Ariosto, Orlando fur
Massimo Mila
Italian politician and musicologist
Massimo Mila (14 August – 26 December ) was an Italian musicologist, music critic, intellectual and anti-fascist.
[edit]He studied at the Liceo classico Massimo d'Azeglio in Turin, where he was a pupil of Augusto Monti and where he had Cesare Pavese, Leone Ginzburg, Norberto Bobbio and Guido Seborga as fellow students. He also met Giulio Einaudi, to whom he gave Latin lessons, introducing him to the "brotherhood" of D'Azeglio's former students, including Vittorio Foa, Giulio Carlo Argan, Ludovico Geymonat, Franco Antonicelli, and others. He started his career as a music critic in publishing articles in the magazine Il Baretti.[1] He graduated in literature in from the University of Turin, aged twenty-one, with a thesis entitled Il melodramma di Verdi, which, thanks to the direct interest of the philosopher Benedetto Croce, would be published two years later by the Laterza publishing house in Bari. He was also an expert mountaineer, and a member of the Italian Academic Alpine Club, a passion that was born in Coazze thanks to the encouragement from his mother and the first excursions in the Val Sangone.
Opposition to the fascist regime soon matured in the Turin environment. He was imprisoned