Pensri kiengsiri biography of albert
Chronik Thailands
Alois Payer
Zitierweise / cite as:
Payer, Alois <1944 - >: Chronik Thailands = กาลานุกรมสยามประเทศไทย. -- Verwendete Ressourcen = บรรณานุกรม. -- Fassung vom 2017-01-04. -- URL:
Erstmals publiziert: 2014-07-11
Überarbeitungen: 2017-01-04 [Ergänzungen] ; 2016-12-29 [Ergänzungen] ; 2016-12-08 [Ergänzungen] ; 2016-09-27 [Ergänzungen] ; 2016-09-09 [Ergänzungen] ; 2016-07-05 [Ergänzungen] ; 2016-06-09 [Ergänzungen] ; 2016-05-18 [Ergänzungen] ; 2016-04-27 [Ergänzungen] ; 2016-04-11 [Ergänzungen] ; 2016-03-23 [Ergänzungen] ; 2016-02-23 [Ergänzungen] ; 2016-01-07 [Ergänzungen] ; 2015-12-31 [Ergänzungen] ; 2015-11-27 [Ergänzungen] ; 2015-10-27 [Ergänzungen] ; 2015-10-14 [Ergänzungen] ; 2015-09-29 [Ergänzungen] ; 2015-08-28 [Ergänzungen] ; 2015-08-11 [Ergänzungen] ; 2015-05-30 [Ergänzungen] ; 2015-05-19 [Ergänzungen] ; 2015-04-29 [Ergänzungen] ; 2015-04-21 [Ergänzungen] ; 2015-03-30 [Ergänzungen] ; 2015-02-07 [Ergänzungen] ; 2015-01-17 [Ergänzungen] ; 2015-01-07
Scope predominant Contents
The sociology of the representation of national self through the translation of modern Thai literature into English : a Bourdieusian approach
Related papers
Chetana Nagavajara
South East Asia Research, 1994
Preamble: discourse on methods I think it necessary to preface the present paper with a few cautionary remarks. First, I do not propose to present a heavily documented study based on archival materials or other kinds of primary sources: the essay is conceived more in the nature of a discussion paper. Secondly, the paper may, in some parts, appear rather unscientific and impressionistic since I have relied on my personal experience without supporting documentary evidence. All that I can say about this method of enquiry is that I have tried my best to adhere strictly to the unwritten code of professional honesty. Thirdly, being a scholar of Western literatures and cultures, I do make occasional references to Western sources and authorities which may not have direct relevance to Thai studies as such, but which may help to anchor Thai literature in a broader cultural context and consequently make a comparative study more meaningful. Fourthly, some of the issues I am addressing in this paper have been dealt with more extensive