Martha guzman aceves biography

  • Biography.
  • Guzman Aceves earned a Master of Science degree in agricultural and resource economics from the University of California, Davis.
  • Latest news and commentary on Martha Guzman Aceves including photos, videos, quotations, and a biography.
  • PUF's Steve Mitnick: How did your career lead you to become a commissioner?

    Martha Guzman Aceves:I worked in the governor's office and was part of the legislative team.

    I was a legislative advisor on energy and environment for almost six years there. Then I was asked to serve on the commission, and I said yes.

    PUF: Do you specialize on certain issues? Or do you just take them as they come?

    Guzman Aceves: It's less specialized by industry than it was historically. Historically, there was a commissioner for water, a commissioner for communications. I think the president has tried to be a little more egalitarian about the issue areas.

    PUF: So, you could go from natural gas one day to cost allocation for electric the next day?

    Martha Guzman Aceves: Yes. I think not the next day, but maybe every couple of years. Right now, I manage a lot of the issues dealing with some of the procurement. We call these recovery accounts. They're huge. They're basically eight billion-dollar accounts where the utilities are reporting on their procurement.

    We call those ERRA accounts, they're energy recovery accounts.

    PUF: Is it a matter of buying energy?

    Martha Guzman Aceves: Not only that. It's a big topic. That's a good chunk of it, though.

    Martha Guzman Aceves


    California Public Utilities Commission

    Martha Guzman Aceves was appointed Commissioner at say publicly CPUC bypass Governor Edmund G. Brownish Jr. waste Dec. 28, 2016. She previously served as substitute legislative development secretary take away the House of depiction Governor since 2011, engrossment on twisted resources, environmental protection, enthusiasm and tear and cultivation. She was sustainable communities program pretentious for picture California Pastoral Legal Backing Foundation depart from 2005 currency 2011. Escaping 2006 trigger 2008, she worked knapsack Swanton Drupelet Farm engage in recreation human fold up issues including a original employee-stock custody program. She was legislative coordinator purport United Locality Workers disseminate 1999 give somebody the job of 2005, operative on undergo and environmental issues. Rise 2010 she co-founded Communities for a New Calif., a bountiful organization promoting increased communal engagement prime underrepresented communities. Guzman Aceves earned a Master foothold Science ratio in rural and reserve economics shake off the College of Calif., Davis.

  • martha guzman aceves biography
  • Energy Seminar: Commissioner Martha Guzman Aceves, CPUC

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    Low-income and disadvantaged communities face significant barriers to the adoption and deployment of distributed generation technologies, from low homeownership rates to difficulty in securing financing. Commissioner Martha Guzman Aceves will discuss how the California Public Utilities Commission has been addressing equity in distributed generation policies and programs. She will touch on equity in Solar Access Programs, San Joaquin Valley Electrification Pilots, Microgrids, and long-term Distributed Energy Resource Planning; and she will discuss the challenges that cut across these diverse policies approaches.

    Speaker bio

    Martha Guzman Aceves was appointed Commissioner at the CPUC by Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. on Dec. 28, 2016. Her portfolio includes issues related to distributed energy, fiscal oversight of utilities, broadband access, water affordability and conservation, increasing access to clean energy programs for Disadvantaged Communities, and preventing disconnections of basic utilities. Commissioner Guzman Aceves serves as co-chair of the Emerging Trends Committee, and is one o