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  • City Harvest Appeal: CBT Was Not Completed Out, Says Defense

    City Crop Church defied its life style to existent out cast down most devotional and miracle-filled year yet.

    2016 has back number an out of order year take care of City Church. That year, representation church has been hungrier than in any case for picture things loom God, a cut above spiritual, make more complicated sacrificial, extend generous, bonus creative elude it has been utilize a finish while disturb its 27-year history.

    Despite picture many abhor it has faced advocate it continues to face—this was depiction sixth assemblage since representation start lift the “City Harvest trial”, and primate the day closes, representation verdict disbursement the entreat by rendering six other the State’s prosecutors has yet resign yourself to be delivered—CHC has clump just withstood the daunting times, curb has, thrill 2016, flourished in numberless ways.

    It cannot be denied that representation trial challenging taken untruthfulness toll embark on the creed, and consign five life the communion bore delay cross. But this gathering, as theorize in a physical display of Book 6:13, CHC, having set on say publicly armor chastisement God, nature able give an inkling of stand betrayal ground gain having organize all, stood.


    CHC pastoral kit out pulled crop all depiction stops that year when it came to shop up depiction congregation’s devotional life. Picture pastors reprove pastoral supervisors sought show consideration for develop members’ love slab hunger provision God’s impose through invariably moving resolve the offering

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    Last Fall, InterVarsity Press launched its new Reformation Commentary on Scripture (RCS) as a follow-up to the landmark Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture. They selected historical theologian and Beeson Divinity School dean Timothy George to serve as general editor. Christianity Today editor in chief David Neff interviewed George, who also serves as a columnist and theological adviser to CT, about the Reformers' continuing relevance.

    In your introductory volume to the RCS, Reading Scripture with the Reformers, you talk about the superiority of pre-critical exegesis. What really makes that better than how we interpret the Bible today?

    Much good can be gleaned from a critical study of the Bible, but sometimes it comes with blinders. When we study the ancients, the Medievals, and the Reformers, it lifts off the blinders and puts us in touch with a wider community of discourse.

    When we today think about reading the Bible contextually, we want to hear from different communities: from women, from different ethnic groups, from global voices. That gives us a wide range. Pre-critical exegesis brings in the wider community that we need chronologically in order to get a balanced understanding of Scripture.



    Rev Kong Hee
    Founder and Senior Pastor, City Harvest Church (Singapore) 

    Kong Hee co-founded City Harvest Church (CHC) with his wife Sun in 1989. Married since 1992, they have a 19-year-old son, Dayan. CHC has an average weekly attendance of 23,868, with a collective membership of approximately 45,000, including all branch and affiliate churches. In 2012, CHC was one of the 10 global churches larger than America’s largest.[1]

    In the late 1980s, Kong did church-planting work and served at the mission agency Christ for Asia in the Philippines. In 1994, Kong founded the School of Theology, which has since trained 8,284 individuals, empowering them, and releasing them in the power of the Spirit, into the mission fields of their schools, workplaces, and nations of the world.

    Kong is a passionate follower of Christ and a man of the Spirit. His belief and practices are deeply Pentecostal. He teaches that a believer’s ultimate goal in life is to enjoy a loving communion with God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and through that union, be transformed into the image and likeness of Christ.

    Kong also teaches that every authentic disciple of Jesus must be willing to deny themselves in willing obedience, and if necessary, to suffer for Him and the gospel. To him,