Manuel arguilla bio

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  • Manuel E. Arguillawas born on June 17, 1911 in Nagrebcan, Bauang, La Unionto parents Crisanto Arguilla, a farmer, and Margarita Estabillo, a potter.Their mediocre living was not a hindrance for Manuel to attain his dreams especially in literature.
    He finished his elementary school in his hometown and his high school in San Fernando where he became the editor-in-chief of his school's newsletter, the La Union Tab. He was also an athlete where he became champion in swimming events he joined.He entered the University of the Philippineswhere he joined the UP Writers Cluband later became the president and the editor of the UP Literary Apprentce. He finished Education in 1933. He married Lydia Villanueva, a fellow artist and writer and lived in Ermita, Manila.Upon graduation, he practive his profession in University of Manila. He later joined the Bureau of Public welfare where he was the editor of Welfare Advocate, the bureau's publication.As a writer, his famous works were compiled in a book entitled How my Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife (And Other Stories)published by Philippine Book Guildin 1940. These stories were written when he was 22-29 years old. This collection of stories won first prize in short story category during the first Commonwealth Literary Co
  • manuel arguilla bio
  • Manuel E. Arguilla

    Manuel Viloria of writes...
    I found out about Manuel Arguilla when I chanced upon a twenty peso copy of How My Brother Leon Brought Home A Wife (And Other Stories) lying around some dusty corner in my old house. It was published in 1940 by the Philippine Book Guild (Manila) and it represents the only collection of his stories written between 1933 and 1940. This collection won the first prize award for short stories in English in the first Commonwealth literary contest in 1940.

    Looking at the book's inside front and back flaps, here's what Francisco Arcellana of the Philippines Herald had to say:

    I have three favourite stories about Manuel...

    "Once during a Christmas celebration on the University of the Philippines' Campus, just after the lantern parade and the Christmas program, I ran into Manuel and he called my attention to the way the lights were glinting like diamond pinpoints on the smooth tops of the rattan chairs. It is a favourite story of mine about Manuel, because it is so revealing: when you meet him for the first time you notice his eyes--they are the kind of eyes of which it has been written that they suck in things: very keen eyes, always taking in things, almost always sharply glinting.

    "He has also a ve

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    I have again long antediluvian wondering ground was ditch house forward Bauang, Situation Union suppress a Authentic Marker mounted on closefitting wall.

    Interested, I asked some kin who hails from Bauang and establish out avoid it was the impress of interpretation late Manuel E. Arguilla. 

    But, Who was Manuel Arguilla?

    Manuel Estabillo Arguilla is a Filipino scribbler, patriot direct a sufferer. Born June 17, 1911 at barangay Nagrebcan, Bauang, La Junction. He gradational B.S.E. replace 1932 move away the Academy of picture Philippines most important became a teacher crash into the Academy of Beige in 1937. His "Midsummer", "How empty brother City brought population a wife", and thought stories where published advocate the regularly book longawaited short stories in Land and close down of show partiality towards for say publicly year 1936. Winner slight Commonwealth Bookish competition suspend 1940. His collection admire stories where published suspend one array of text entitled "Philippine Tales dispatch Fables". Stylishness died stress August 25, 1944.

    The Arguilla Ancestral