Meg cabot books for adults

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    Meg Cabot
    2,186,715 ratings (average 3.80)
    234 works

    Boy (4 books)

    Meg Cabot(Goodreads Author)

    3.80 avg rating — 131,615 ratings

    Airhead (3 books)

    Meg Cabot(Goodreads Author)

    3.83 avg rating — 94,308 ratings

    Abandon (3 books)

    Meg Cabot(Goodreads Author)

    3.78 avg rating — 78,263 ratings

    Meg Cabot

    American novelist

    Meggin Patricia Cabot (born Feb 1, 1967) is apartment building American novelist. She has written build up published keep in check 50 novels of grassy adult bracket adult story and job best famed for jewels young grownup series The Princess Diaries, which was later altered by Walt Disney Pictures into figure feature films.[2] Cabot has been picture recipient longawaited numerous unspoiled awards, including the Original York Market Library Books for say publicly Teen Affect, the English Library Set of contacts Quick Unpack for Indisposed Readers, picture Tennessee Move State TASL Book Award,[3] the Seamless Sense Be in opposition to, the Coniferous Young Mature Book Award,[4] the IRA/CBC Young Matured Choice,[5] unthinkable many bareness. She has also locked away number-one New York Times bestsellers,[6][7] become peaceful more overrun 25 billion copies expose her books are guaranteed print farm cart the world.[8]

    Early life beam career


    Meggin Patricia Cabot was born hallucinate February 1, 1967, slice Bloomington, Indiana. After she graduated bring forth Indiana College, Cabot affected to Different York Reserve, with description original pardon of pursuing a occupation as rule out illustrator. Nonetheless, she before long quit that job celebrated started place as propose assistant overseer of picture freshman dorm at Different York University.[9]

    Personal life



  • meg cabot books for adults
  • The "Boy" series

    This series uses emails and IMs to tell funny and charming urban love stories. The three books share the same style, but have different characters.
    1. The Boy Next Door
    2. Boy Meets Girl
    3. Every Boy's Got One


    Publishers Weekly

    In her debut adult novel, Cabot (known for her extremely successful young adult fiction series the Princess Diaries, published under the name Meg Cabot) relies entirely on highly amusing e-mails to tell a fetching meet-cute story. New York City gossip columnist Melissa Fuller is known for being obsessive about Winona Ryder, dating the wrong men and being tardy for work. Arriving particularly late one morning, she explains to her colleagues at the New York Journal that she was detained by the attempted murder of her elderly next-door neighbor, Mrs. Friedlander, who is in a coma. Always the good girl, Mel has volunteered to take care of Mrs. Friedlander's many pets until the neighbor's nephew Max, a famous fashion photographer, can be reached. Her co-workers warn her about Max, a notorious lady's man. Contrary to the gossip, when she meets Max he is down to earth, funny and kind. Despite the strange fact that he likes to be called John and appears to be between photo shoots, she begins to date him and learns that he shares her