Br ambedkar biography in bengali

  • In this video you will know the biography of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar (ডঃ বি আর আম্বেদকরের জীবনী) in bengali.
  • This Bengali translation of Ambedkar's Annihilation of Caste is an authentic one.
  • HAL415.


    FieldValueLangdc.contributor.authorKEER, PRAKASHAN, BOMBAYen_USdc.sourceUTTARPARA JAYKRISHNA PUBLIC LIBRARY, HOOGHLYen_USdc.subjectBIOGRAPHYen_USdc.subjectBIOGRAPHY-DR, AMBEDKARen_USdc.titleDR. AMBEDKAR LIFE AND MISSIONen_USdc.typeBooken_USdc.scl.scanningcentreC-DAC KOLKATAen_USdc.scl.scanningnumberU.J.P.L._02en_USdc.scl.digitalrepublisherDteLSen_USdc.scl.digitalpublicationdate2011-11-19-dc.scl.totalpages560en_USdc.scl.KeywordsWAR WITH GANDHIen_USdc.scl.KeywordsLAND,LABOUR,EDUCATIONen_USdc.scl.KeywordsSHADOW OF BUDDHISMen_USdc.scl.KeywordsFROM DUST TO DOYENen_USdc.scl.KeywordsDECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCEen_US

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    7. [PDF] In Bengali – Dr B R Ambedkar’s Writings and Speeches

    Here are a few of Dr B R Ambedkar’s Writings and Speeches in Bengali. These are just a few of the books of Dr Ambedkar in Bengali. In case you have any other volumes, please send us and we will update the post.

    [PDF] In Bengali – Dr B R Ambedkar’s Writings and Speeches

    These Dr B R Ambedkar Books PDF are from Dr Ambedkar Foundation, Govt. of India. In these important books, you can find speeches on Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar in Bengali. These Dr Ambedkar books in PDF are free to download. Please share these with your friends.

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  • br ambedkar biography in bengali