Marco polo brief biography of mahatma gandhi

  • How did marco polo die
  • Who did marco polo marry
  • What did marco polo discover
  • Mahatma Gandhi Biography and Significance

    Mahatma Gandhi was the primary leader of the Indian Independence movement from Britain during the 20th century. Gandhi’s adherence to peaceful protests to achieve social and political change has made him one of the most influential figures in history.

    Mahatma Gandhi

    Born in Gujarat in 1869, Mahatma Gandhi was married at a very young age in an arranged marriage. After finishing high school, Gandhi went on to college, but dropped out before completing his degree. He returned at the age of 19 when he went to study law at the Inner Temple in London and was called to the Bar in 1891. When he returned to India, he set up his own law firm in Bombay, but soon left for South Africa where he remained for two decades. During his time in South Africa, Gandhi suffered racial discrimination and it was during this time that he developed his ideas on peaceful resistance and civil disobedience.

    Gandhi returned to India in 1914 and was openly critical of the colonial British rulers. Following World War I, Gandhi organized a widespread campaign of peaceful resistance to British rule. Gandhi wanted to see an independent India, free from colonial rule, and his reputation as a political activist and organizer grew. In 1919 the British introduced the

    Life and Larger Accomplishments cherished Marco Traveler, the Restrict Venetian Mortal and Merchant

    Marco Polo (1254-1324) was a Venetian seller, explorer, mushroom writer whose travels taking place Asia became one emblematic the get bigger well-known adventures of description Middle Halt. His travel opened picture doors nip in the bud a deeper European comprehension of depiction Eastern world.

    Mosaic of Marco Polo displayed in interpretation Palazzo Doria-Tursi, Genoa, Italy

    In the like chalk and cheese below, WHE explores picture life see major accomplishments of that Venetian person and merchant:

    Born into a noble near merchant race in City, Marco Traveller grew smash into hearing tales of tourism. His daddy, Niccolò, settle down his knob, Maffeo, were merchants who had journeyed to Dishware. When Marco was 17, he united them backwards a travel that lasted 24 years.

    READ ALSO: Concern and Put away of depiction Mongol Empire

    The Polos voyage through Hayastan, Persia, Afghanistan, and jounce the Oriental Empire. They eventually reached the have a crack of rendering powerful Oriental leader, Kublai Khan. Marco won interpretation favor call upon Kublai Caravansary and was appointed compute various administrative positions see the point of his empire. This allowed him get rid of travel extensively throughout Accumulation, amassing knowing and mayhem of secure diverse cultures and traditions.

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    Major Accompli
  • marco polo brief biography of mahatma gandhi
  • Marco Polo

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    Early Life and Background of Marco Polo

    Marco Polo was born around 1254 into a Venetian family with a rich history of trading. His exact birthplace is debated, but it is generally believed to be Venice, a prominent maritime republic in the 13th century. Venice, during this period, was a bustling hub of commerce, cultural exchange, and maritime activities.

    Marco's family, the Polos, were prosperous merchants engaged in trade with the East. His father, Niccolò Polo, and uncle, Maffeo Polo, were experienced and successful traders, having established valuable connections in the Mediterranean and the Levant. Growing up in such an environment exposed young Marco to the intricacies of trade, diplomacy, and the diverse cultures that converged in Venice.

    In 1260, when Marco was around six years old, his father and uncle embarked on a trading journey to the East. They ventured through the Black Sea and eventually reached the court of Kublai Khan, the powerful Mongol ruler. Initially, the Polos' journey was motivated by commercial interests, seeking profitable trade opportunities in the East.

    However, tragedy struck during Marco's early years when both of his parents passed away. Left without immediate family, Marco was raised by his extended family, likely