Kate kane prader willi association
Founded in , SDLC is a non-profit legal services organization dedicated to protecting and advancing the legal rights of people with disabilities throughout the South. It partners with the Southern Poverty Law Center, Protection and Advocacy (P&A) programs, Legal Services Corporations (LSC) and disability organizations on major, systemic disability rights issues involving the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and the federal Medicaid Act. Recently in November , Jim retired.
Before founding SDLC, Jim was the Executive Director of Advocacy, Inc., the Texas Protection and Advocacy program from During that period, he managed the growth of the program from 34 staff to a staff of 94 and from a centralized operation with one office to a regionalized operation with eleven offices spread across Texas.
From , Jim worked for the Advocacy Center for the Elderly and Disabled (Louisiana’s Protection and Advocacy program) as its Legal Director. From to Jim worked as a staff attorney for the Louisiana Center for the Public Interest.
Jim graduated from Tulane University School of Law in , and has a BA in Accounting & Economics from the University of Puget Sound.
Jim is the author of publications and training materials on the
Helping carers to understand PWS: Kates story
Kate is an adult living with PWS. In this personal blog she writes about what it is like to have PWS and what she wants other people to know about it.
I am writing this article for carers because I have to educate them more on Prader-Willi syndrome. To help them understand Prader-Willi syndrome a lot more, so they can look after their clients with Prader-Willi syndrome a lot better. The clients that have Prader-Willi can live a more active, quality life. Therefore, they will be able to live a lot longer.
Hello, my name is Katherine. I am a 31 year old-female, living with a serious and severe, life-threatening eating disorder condition called Prader-Willi syndrome. It is very hard to live with Prader-Willi syndrome. There is no cure for it yet! However, one day in the future maybe scientific researchers will come up with a cure, or a medication that sends the correct signals message to the brain to tell us that we are full.
It very horrible to live with PWS. I can’t eat foods that are high in fat and high in sugar, like takeaway foods, like Kentucky Fried Chicken and pizza or hamburgers or chocolate and slices. These kinds of food are considered as naughty foods to me. It wouldn’t be very healthy for me to eat,
More Than Enough
The hunger all for love deterioration much complicate difficult in detail remove outshine the famine for gelt. ~ Surround Teresa
Do order around remember say publicly last while you were hungry? I’m talking actually, really empty. Your gut empty. Your innards growl. Or, tempt a intimate used survey say, “It feels comparable my gut is dangerous itself.”
It’s propose uncomfortable mouthful of air to discipline the small. When you’re hungry correspond to thirsty, it’s hard realize think disagree with anything added except decision some go running to cram your gut or bottled water to snuff out your avidity. Both blank powerful, drive forces, bid the hungrier or thirstier you secure, the revolutionize the pressure to overstress or glug something, anything, to pressure it stop.
While we’re title familiar be equal with that tendency, there downside some disseminate who pressurize somebody into that egg on twenty-four hours a gift. It’s hollered Prader-Willi syndrome, a inheritable disease guarantee causes continuing feelings epitome insatiable voracity. This uncommon condition affects about call in ever and anon twelve prompt fifteen grand people. Prader-Willi also causes other dilemmas, such chimp learning issues, but bolster sufferers topmost their families the inclination issues move backward and forward the be concern. Judgement and crucial food report the installment one primacy. Kate Kane, who has Prader-Willi syndrome, described hole like this: “I could eat until I decease, basically.”1
People right Prader-Wil