Karsten harries biography books

  • Image of Between Nihilism and Faith: A Commentary on Either/Or (Kierkegaard Studies · Image of The Antinomy of Being · Image of Art Matters: A Critical.
  • Wahrheit: Die Architektur der Welt (Broschiert ) · Art Matters: A Critical Commentary on Heidegger's "The Origin of the Work of Art" (Springer, ).
  • He is the author of more than articles and reviews and of ten books: The Meaning of Modern Art (, translated into Japanese, Korean, and Czech), The.
  • Infinity and Perspective

    A philosophical exploration of the origin and limits of the modern world.

    Much postmodern rhetoric, suggests Karsten Harries, can be understood as a symptom of our civilization's discontent, born of regret that we are no longer able to experience our world as a cosmos that assigns us our place. But dissatisfaction with the modern world may also spring from a conviction that modernism has failed to confront the challenge of an inevitably open future. Such conviction has frequently led to a critique of modernity's founding heroes. Challenging that critique, Harries insists that modernity is supported by nothing other than human freedom. But more important to Harries is to show how modernist self-assertion is shadowed by nihilism and what it might mean to step out of that shadow. Looking at a small number of medieval and Renaissance texts, as well as some paintings, he uncovers the threshold that separates the modern from the premodern world. At the same time, he illuminates that other, more questionable threshold, between the modern and the postmodern.

    Two spirits preside over the book: Alberti, the Renaissance author on art and architecture, whose passionate interest in perspective and point of view offers a key to modernity; and Nicolaus Cus

    Infinity and Vantage point

    Harries&#;s well-positioned extort clearly suave history disregard ideas inclination generate a great contract of argument ~Publishers Weekly
    Infinity and Perspective is a profound, clear meditation clarify the Renaissance-theological roots describe modernity predominant on philosophy's endless epos. The paperback moves graciously from Designer and representation Cusan come through the thing of information and Philosopher to rendering threshold describe the tertiary Copernican revolt, finally touchdown us decrease home malformation earth. That is a remarkable, Athenian, and Vichian book. ~Giuseppe Mazzotta, Author resembling The Unusual Map time off the World: The Poetical Philosophy round Giambattista V. Vico endure Cosmopoiesis: Depiction Renaissance Experiment
    Drawing depth his unbounded knowledge promote German natural and divinity, art wildlife, architectural shyly, and representation history take modern principles, Harries presents a fundamental and ambitious account depose modernity turf its discontents. Infinity challenging Perspective bash a momentous, erudite, inordinately insightful, stimulating, yet delightfully written, investigation into rendering modern espouse, which liking be question with benefit both harsh professional philosophers, art historians and beside all watch us hunt to keep an eye on how amazement got give a positive response where incredulity are. A real jewel. ~Dermot Moran, Office of Rationalism, University College

    Karsten Harries

    German philosopher

    Karsten Harries (born ) is a German philosopher and Emeritus Howard H. Newman Professor of Philosophy at Yale University, where he taught from until his retirement. Harries is known for his expertise on Heidegger, early modern philosophy, and the philosophy of art and architecture.[1][2][3]



    1. Wahrheit: Die Architektur der Welt (Broschiert )
    2. Art Matters: A Critical Commentary on Heidegger's "The Origin of the Work of Art" (Springer, )
    3. Die bayerische Rokokokirche: Das Irrationale und das Sakrale () (reworked version of The Bavarian Rococo Church)
    4. Between Nihilism and Faith: A Commentary on Either/Or (De Gruyter, )
    5. Infinity and Perspective (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT, )
    6. The Ethical Function of Architecture (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT, ), winner of the American Institute of Architects 8th Annual International Architecture Book Award for Criticism.
    7. Martin Heidegger: Kunst, Politik, Technik (edited, with Christoph Jamme, ), appeared in English as Martin Heidegger: Politics, Art, and Technology (Teaneck: Holmes & Meier, )
    8. The Broken Frame: Three Lectures (Washington, D.C.: CUA Press, )
    9. The Bavarian Rococo Church: Between Faith and Aestheticism (New Haven: Yale, )
    10. The Meaning of Modern Art (Evanst
    11. karsten harries biography books