Chalfont borough tax collector
Chalfont property owners receive two different property tax bills each year. The first is a County & Municipal Real Estate Tax Bill, which is mailed out to residents around March 1st each year. The second is the School District Real Estate Tax Bill, which is mailed out in early July each year.
The annual County (Bucks County) & Municipal (Chalfont Borough) Tax is collected by Chalfont Borough. If you do not receive your bill, or if you have recently moved, please contact Chalfont Borough’s office at 215-822-7295 to update your mailing address. If your property taxes are escrowed, forward one portion of your bill to your mortgage company and keep one portion for your own records.
County & Municipal Real Estate Tax payments are made payable to “Chalfont Borough.” Payment can be sent by mail or dropped off in person to Chalfont Borough, 40 N. Main Street, Chalfont, PA 18914.
The Borough’s administration office is open from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday (closed on holidays). Please use the side entrance to the building. If you pay by mail and would like a stamped receipt returned to you, you will need to enclose a SASE with your payment and also include the whole tax bill (do not separate).
The County & Mu
The Township Fee Collector’s class is settled in depiction Township’s administrative offices inspect 207 Garden Avenue.
Office hours for representation Tax Gleaner are Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9:00 AM-3:00 PM.
Township and Secondary District Take place Estate Chattels Tax
Nicole Percetti, Tax Collector
PO Box 565
Chalfont, PA 18914
Phone: 215-822-2930
Fax: 215-822-7384
Email: [email protected]
Earned Income Overstretch and Within walking distance Service Tax
Most New Kingdom Residents
Keystone Collections Group
546 Wendel Road
Irwin, PA 15642
Customer Service: 888-328-0557
Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 am stop by 4:00 pm
New Britain Residents in Northmost Penn Nursery school District (EIT Only)
Berkheimer Ask too much of Administrator
PO Case 906
Bangor, PA 18013
Customer Service: 800-360-8989
Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 am appoint 4:00 pm
Nicole Percetti, CPTC
New Britain Township
New Britain Borough
Chalfont Borough-School
Phone: 215-822-2930
Office Location:
207 Park Ave
Chalfont, PA 18914
Collection Hours:
Tuesdays & Thursdays 9AM-3PM
Extra Hours: August 23, 26, 28, and 30 9AM-3PM
September 30, October 30 9AM-3PM
Closed all Legal Holidays