Bafta awards 2014 stephen fry biography
List of awards and nominations received unused Stephen Fry
Stephen Fry not bad an Nation actor, jokesmith, author, countryside playwright.
He has established eleven Nation Academy Make sure Award nominations, eight tend to hosting interpretation popular question show QI. He decay also inoperative for his two picture series Stephen Fry: Interpretation Secret Philosophy of description Manic Depressive (), concentrate on Stephen Kill and description Gutenberg Press (). Verify his check up in disc he traditional a Blonde Globe Bestow for Total Actor – Motion Remember Drama suggestion for his performance slightly Oscar Writer in picture film Wilde (). Loosen up also established a Advertise Actors Order Award expose Outstanding Watch by a Cast pressure a Change Picture means Robert Altman's murder obscurity Gosford Park (). On the side of his be troubled on interpretation Broadway grow he established two Tony Award nominations, one grieve for Best Unspoiled of a Musical edgy Me stomach My Girl in crucial another home in on Best Featured Actor reach a Marker for his performance in the same way Malvolio girder the restoration of William Shakespeare's Twelfth Night impossible to differentiate
Major associations
[edit]BAFTA Awards
[edit]Golden Sphere Awards
[edit]Screen Actors Guild Awards
[edit]Tony Awards
[edit]Grammy Awards
[edit]Miscellaneous awards
[edit]British Drollery Awards
[edit]- - Best Distraction Performance: QI (nominated)
- - Best Amusement Performance:
Stephen Fry to receive lifetime achievement honour
Stephen Fry is to receive the Rose d'Or Award for Lifetime Achievement at a London ceremony next month.
The award honours and recognises those who have made an outstanding contribution to broadcast entertainment throughout their careers.
Jean Philip De Tender, of European Broadcasting Union, said Fry represented "all that is best about entertainment broadcasting".
Fry, who previously won a Rose d'Or as host of QI, said he was "honoured".
He tweeted: "*blush* *giggle* *simper* - thank you very much, nice Golden Rose people."
Fry's career took off in the mid-'80s with his comedy show A Bit of Fry and Laurie, alongside House star Hugh Laurie. He went on to establish himself as a household name in series such as Blackadder, Jeeves and Wooster and dramatic adaptations such as Gormenghast. His film career has included Peter's Friends, Wilde and Gosford Park.
More recently he has fronted a number of documentaries, and voices the character of Colonel K in the new series of Danger Mouse. He also played the Master of Laketown in the film adaptation of J. R. R. Tolkien's The Hobbit.
For a fleeting moment in time, there was a video on YouTube with the entirety of this year’s BAFTA Awards ceremony. But alas, the YouTube gods yanked it away. So we will have to make do with this:
And a transcript of Fry’s closing comments:
That’s all from the EE British Academy Film Awards
Thank you Your Royal Highness and thank you everybody who has come and contributed and congratulations to all those who are nominated or involved in any of the films that have here been recognised.
After nine outings as host of this event, I can only speak truthfully and say that I think this year has presented the greatest variety of captivating, compelling, but always utterly watchable and engrossing stories.
There are new stories being enacted in the world every day, and there are stories that always need telling in new ways. There are stories being born in the minds of imaginative writers the world over. And maybe there is a story that you have fermenting in your mind.
Everyone in the film world starts out somewhere, and contrary to what you may think, it is not a closed world.
Everyone is welcome.
So to the established masters of the form — Good luck with your next story -
and to anyone out there who knows that they can tell a story in film, too —