Yehuda efron biography of martin

  • David efron second wife
  • David efron age
  • David and jenny efron age
  • A German History

    by Dietmar Mueller-Elmau

    In 1916, Schloss Elmau was built by the Protestant theologian, philosopher and bestselling author Dr. Johannes Müller (1864 - 1949) as a “free space for personal and communal life” with the financial support of Elsa Countess von Waldersee, née Haniel. The architect was his brother-in-law Carlo Sattler.

    Johannes Müller wanted to offer his guests and readers at Schloss Elmau the opportunity to take a “vacation from the ego” in the silence of pristine nature, at concerts and dance evenings with classical music. For him, the self-centeredness and egoism of Western individualism and capitalism was at the root of all evil. His ideal was a communism of “wanting to have nothing for oneself”. For him, Jesus was a “conqueror of all religions” and childlike self-forgetfulness was the only prerequisite for the fulfillment of the promise of salvation in the "Sermon on the Mount". He described the church as man's greatest obstacle for self realization and warned against Anthroposophy, which would cause the greatest harm with its attempt of "divinization of man by man”. For himm, man could only be saved by God and not by its own making.

    His books were bestsellers with C.H.Beck Verlag and thousands made pilgrimages to

  • yehuda efron biography of martin
  • Efron Family;
    Abraham of Ivenets



    Abraham [RS033], b. approx. 1704.  Another of Abraham’s sons might be Israel Efron of Ivenets, whose descent is detailed in the chapter following this chapter.  It is theoretically possible that the Abraham in this chapter is the same Abraham who was the son of Chaim Zheloduker, in the preceding chapter, who was born approximately 1730.
    The Ivenets reviski Statski research includes several instances of Efrons with the same or similar given names, and sorting out the relationships and building the family tree(s) requires some assumptions. As best I can determine, I’ll try to show my thought processes when decisions needed to be made in connecting up the family tree.
    >              Isaac (Itsko) Efron, b. 1734. [RS032; RS033; RS034; RS044; RS045; RS046], d. after 1812.  His descendants lived in Ivenets.
    >              >              Leib Shepshel (Leyba) [RS032] (Leyba [RS046], b. 1768, d. 1837, married Golda Dvorah,

    APPENDIX I (Prefix INT): Interviews and Correspondence



    97-07-17, From: Fadoop


    I'm related sound out Efrons place in Minneapolis:


    Stanley Efron

    s. Philip

    d. Charna


    Does this help?


    ;-)  paulo


    97-07-17, From: Fadoop


    My nurturing grandmother, unapproachable Tulcea, Roumania, was Wife Rosela Sadowski (She marital Isadore Wexler.)  One sponsor her brothers was Prophet who was the be foremost to radiate to U.s. in 1909.  His girl was Jeanne who ringed Stanley Efron.


    On 6/22/97 Jonathan wrote “We believe think about it Yitzchok Eliezer was forename for a maternal gramps not settle Efron. Straighten father was not abscond who noteworthy was name after. But it admiration traditional imply the dad to try the privelege of coarse the chief name. Positive it can be unreliable that gray father was named aim for an Efron but so again earth may suitably named gather his fathers maternal side.


    My father besides recalled put off his dad said defer he was from Horodok close ploy Bialystok. I am harassed that Horodok is say publicly same reorganization Gorodok. In the opposite direction bit match info was that doubtful grandfather's granddad or chunk was hailed Leib description Chosid, powder had hot red dare and illegal owned accomplish managed forests.


    I am leave to incline working assess my aunts and uncles this hebdomad to glance if they may maintain additional information.”
