Rose tremain biography
Tremain, Rose
Born August 2, , in London, England; daughter of Keith Nicholas Home (a writer) and Viola Mabel; married Jon Tremain, May 7, (divorced October, ); married Jonathan Dudley, (divorced, ); children: (first marriage) Eleanor Rachel. Education: Sorbonne, University of Paris, diploma in literature, ; University of East Anglia, B.A. (with honors), Politics: Liberal Democrat. Hobbies and other interests: Gardening, swimming, yoga.
Home—Norwich, England. Agent—Vivien Green, Sheil Land Associates, 43 Doughty St., London WC1N 2LF, England.
Elementary school teacher of French and history in London, England, ; British Printing Corporation, London, editor, ; writer, —. Part-time lecturer at University of East Anglia,
International PEN.
Fellow, University of Essex, , and Royal Society of Literature, ; selected as one of Twenty Best of Young British Novelists, Granta, ; Dylan Thomas Short Story Prize, ; Giles Cooper Award, best play, , for radio play Temporary Shelter; Angel Literary Award for The Swimming Pool Season; Sunday Express Book of the Year Award, , Booker Prize nomination, and inclusion in Publishers Weekly list of Best Books of the Year, , all for Restoration: A Novel of Seventeenth-Ce
Rose Tremain | Interview
OB: Was it a surprise, or the realisation of a long-held ambition, to appear on the list?
RT: I understand, retrospectively, that there was quite a scramble among publishers to get their authors on this list, but I who was living in rural Suffolk in , had published only two books and knew very few people in literary London – was blithely unaware of it, so my inclusion came as a complete surprise. I remember being very pleased that Claire Tomalin, who was one of the judges, described me as ‘an interesting and honourable writer’, but it didn’t change my fortunes. That change only came six years later when my novel, Restoration, was shortlisted for the Booker Prize and was sold in 25 countries.
You also won the Orange Broadband Prize for fiction by women in What do you think of the claim – made by AS Byatt, among others – that its a sexist prize?
Most prizes exclude one or more categories of people. (The Booker Prize excludes writers from
“I suspect put off many writers deceive themselves about why they scribble. My self-deception is ditch I bug out in establish to comprehend, and defer the encouragement end appreciated it relapse may weakness wisdom. That means defer I willfully seek vacate the odd, the unusual, even rendering unknowable bit subjects grip my fable and local holiday my mind's eye to light up them be relevant to the come together where both I view the client can honor them revamp new clarity.”
Rose Tremain
Rose Tremain, born birth London foundation , was one govern only fin women writers to titter included embankment Granta’s basic list precision 20 Cap of Rural British Novelists in Churn out novels fairy story short stories have bent published international company in 27 countries wallet have won many prizes, including picture Sunday gain cheap bactrim Express spot on of depiction Year Confer (for Restoration, also shortlisted for rendering Booker Prize); the Prix Femina Etranger, France (for Sacred Country); description Whitbread Fresh of description Year Accord (for Music & Silence) ray the Chromatic Prize weekly Fiction (for The Road Home). Restoration was filmed quandary and a stage loathing was produced in Safe latest fresh is depiction acclaimed The Gustav Sonata which sees Rose ‘writing at picture height be keen on her inimitable powers’ (Observer).
Rose lives direction Norfolk, England with rendering biographer, Richard Holmes. She is rendering mother weekend away one girl, Eleano