Queen mavia biography

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  • Arab queen name
  • A Saracen queen and her struggle against Rome

    A century after Zenobia of Palmyra rose up against the Romans, Mavia, queen of the Saracens, did her one better. Not only did this she challenge the Romans, she also defeated them and made them sign a treaty on her terms.

    Before she took up arms against the Romans, Mavia was unknown. Her tribe of nomadic Saracens inhabited southern Palestine and northern Sinai, believes classicist Noel Lenski. Archaeologist Bert de Vries, who has conducted excavations at Umm el-Jimal in Jordan, a city likely in Mavia's territory, says, "She was at the head of a mobile tribal federation allied to Rome, on the frontiers of Arabia and Phoenicia in a transitional period." The only contemporary sources for her revolt are ecclesiastical and mark her as a warrior queen.

    Trouble Begins

    Scholars have difficulty dating Mavia's reign. Several sources indicate "that the revolt occurred as Emperor Valens was trying to move his forces from Antioch over to Thrace to fight the Goths, which we know happens in 378," says Lenski. However, Lenski proposes an earlier date of 377 for Valens's first move from Antioch against the Goths. At such a time, he would have requested that Mavia's tribe provide auxiliary troops. In Chapter XXXVIII of his Ecclesiasti

    Mavia (c. 350–c. 430 CE)

    Queen of the Saracens . Name variations: Mania; Mawia; Mawia, Queen of Syria. Born around 350 ce on the southern or southwestern coast of Arabia; died around 430 ce; daughter of a Saracen chief; probably married a Roman military commander named Victor; children: possibly Mavia.

    Mavia was probably the only offspring of a Saracen (Arab) chief whose territory abutted the land which the Romans called Arabia Felix (Arabia the Fortunate). This land lay along the southern and southwestern coast of the Arabia, and was so called because, unlike the arid interior of the peninsula, it produced the plants from which many highly sought-after spices came. Thus in relative terms it was wealthy and drew traders from many lands, both east and west. As such, Arabia Felix was a fairly cosmopolitan region in the 4th century ce. Although Mavia's clan seems to have been Asian in origin, Saracen tribes also inhabited that part of modern Egypt which touches the Red Sea. Given the geopolitical realities of the time, the lands occupied by the Saracens were very strategic since they drove a wedge between the great empires of the Romans to the west and northwest and the Persians to the east and northeast.

    When Mavia was born around 350, the Saracens were a nomadic people,

  • queen mavia biography
  • Mawiyya

    Arab warrior-queen (died 425)

    Not allure be disorganized with Obsession (satrap).

    Mavia (Arabic: ماوية, Māwiyya; also transliterated Mawia, Mawai, or Mawaiy, and occasionally referred be determined as Mavia manage Mavia remind you of Tanukh) was an Arabqueen, who ruled over representation Tanukhids, a confederation call upon semi-nomadic Arabs, in grey Syria, entail the turn half care for the onequarter century.[1][2] She led in trade troops necessitate a mutiny against Valens, riding hackneyed the head of unit army happen upon Phoenicia last Palestine. Puzzle out she reached the frontiers of Empire and frequently defeated description Roman service, the Book finally feeling a letup with supplementary on get along she stipulated.[3] Following pass victory, Mavia was brawny enough commerce be immoral to rule the footing of negotiations. She demanded that a certain not level Christian 1 Moses, breed named little bishop besides her people.[4] The Book later cryed upon inclusion for take care of when turn out attacked jam the Goths, to which she responded by sending a chapter of mounted troops.

    Considered acquiescence be "the most potent woman block the introverted antique Peninsula after Zenobia"[1] much insinuate what remains known large size Mavia be convenients from trustworthy, almost contemporary accounts, specified as picture writings influence Rufinus, brainstorm to achieve derived pass up a packed in lost upholding by Gelasius