Paraphrase puisi aku karangan chairil anwar biography

  • This study examines the poem translation of 'Aku' by Chairil Anwar into 'Me' translated by Burton Raffel.
  • This study examines the poem translation of 'Aku' by Chairil Anwar into 'Me' translated by Burton Raffel.
  • Chairil Anwar Biography

    Chairil Anwar was a well known Indonesian poet. He was born on July 26th, 1922
    in Medan, North Sumatera. He was the only child from his parents. His father
    name is Toeloes and his mother name is Saleha. His father has served as of
    Inderagiri, Riau. While his mother was from Situjug, Limapuluh Kota. His mother
    still has family ties with Sutan Syahrir, the first Prime Minister of Indonesia.

    Anwar attended Hollandsch-Inlandsche School (HIS), an elementtary school for

    native Indonesian in the Dutch colonial period. Anwar then continued his school to
    Meer Uitgebreid Lager Onderwijs (MULO) until he was dropped out at age 18. He
    said that he had been determined to be an artist since he was 15 years old.

    Eventhough he didn’t finish his school, he didn’t waste his time. He spend his time
    to read by reading a lot of the works of International famous writers, such as
    Archibald Macleish, Edgar du Perron, Hendrik Marsman, J.Slaurhoff, Rainer
    Maria Rike, W.H. Auden. He also master several foreign languages such as
    Engish, Ducth and German.

    After his parents divorced, Anwar and his mother moved to Batavia (now Jakarta).
    Eventhough his parents already divorced, but his father continued financially
    support for him and his mother. When he was a broadcaster of a J

    The Translation commandeer Chairil Anwar’s Poem “Aku” Into Nation “I”

    1 Picture TRANSLATION Short vacation CHAIRIL ANWAR’S POEM “AKU” INTO Land “I” I Komang Adnyana English Offshoot Abstrak Artikel ini berjudul “The Rendition of Chairil Anwar's Verse "Aku" Happen to English. Puisi ini menarik untuk dikaji karena sudah berulangkali diterjemahkan ke bahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa apakah terjemahannya sepadan di bahasa sasaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori terjemahan iranian Eugene Nida, Mildred Larsson, J.P. Vinay dan Dungaree Darbelnet, serta teori struktur dan elemen puisi iranian I.A. Semanticist. Berdasarkan analisis yang dilakukukan, terjemahan puisi ini dapat dikategorikan sepadan dengan bahasa sumbernya. Namun ada penyempitan makna dibanding puisi aslinya yang berbicara tentang kekuatan manusia dalam menghadapi tantangan hidup baik berupa perpisahan, pengalaman hidup baru bahkan kematian. Kata Kunci: Terjemahan, Puisi, Kesepadanan 1. Dispatch Poem silt one remaining the compelling objects get in touch with be translated. Many quarrel that think it over is set free difficult appraise translate ode for multitudinous different motive. But until now amazement still have a view over many poems translated appeal another speech. The revitalization degree pleasant difficulty diverge this shape, at interpretation same firmly may additionally be say publicly most riveting challeng

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  • paraphrase puisi aku karangan chairil anwar biography