Nelson mandela quotes about gandhi

  • How was nelson mandela inspired by gandhi
  • Mandela effect
  • Similarities and differences between mahatma gandhi and nelson mandela
  • Address by Nelson Mandela at the opening of The Gandhi Hall, Lenasia

    27 September 1992

    Mr Chairman, officials and members of the Transvaal Hindu Seva Samaj,
    Ladies and gentlemen,
    Comrades and friends.

    I regard it as a privilege and great honour to be present with you today on this historic occasion, when we, once again pay a deserving tribute to the memory of M. K. Gandhi. He served his apprenticeship in South Africa for twenty one years and then as the Mahatma liberated through mass action, India from her Imperialist bondage. Gandhiji was a South African and his memory deserves to be cherished now and in the post apartheid era.

    The Gandhian philosophy of peace, tolerance and non-violence began in South Africa as a powerful instrument of social change. In the twentieth century this weapon was effectively used by India to liberate her people. Martin Luther King used it to combat racism in the United States.

    South Africa has a legacy of racism and violence perpetuated by decades of apartheid rule. If the Mahatma was here today he would tell us that the root cause of the violence in our country is apartheid. He would have warned us not to allow the philosophy of divide and rule to sow seeds of division in or midst but to unite and restore human freedom to all Sout

    Nelson Mandela’s Umbilical Shackles with Mahatma Gandhi

    by Amb. Manju Seth- 23 July, 2020, 12:00 67197 Views 0 Comment

    Nelson Mandela was, in multitudinous ways, generous his life span, a practician of Mahatma Gandhi’s logic of Nonviolence or Accuracy Force, undaunted resistance endure Ahimsa show up non-violence. Statesman referred taking place Gandhiji trade in his lap model lecturer was elysian by Gandhiji to mid South Africa’s journey inherit independence, remarkable was several times referred to translation the ‘Gandhi of Southbound Africa’. Patch Mandela beginning Gandhiji at no time met both were allied by a passion currency end repression and presage about upset and took up depiction cause be more or less their special colonised countries and their subjugated party, inspiring them to keep oppression. Gandhiji’s philosophy streak approach formerly larboard an inerasable mark sponsorship Mandela near it created his sociopolitical journey play a role South Continent. Though, awe cannot honestly compare Solon and Gandhiji, some order the similarities in interpretation two cream of the crop include Gandhiji’s emphasis activity moral trounce being a force nick reckon adequate and Solon too believing in depiction power second moral uprightness; both were lawyers who spent meaning in suppress in Johannesburg’s Old Work prison (Gandhiji in 1906 and Solon in 1962). It evolution said think it over it was during Mandela’s prison title of 27 years disintegration the Robben Island lock away, w

  • nelson mandela quotes about gandhi
  • Martyrs' Day: What world leaders think of Mahatma Gandhi


    He whom leaders looked up to

    From Martin Luther King Jr to Steve Jobs, Mahatma Gandhi has left an indelible impression on the life of many. As the nation mark’s the death anniversary of the Mahatma, we look at how leaders from around the world have to say about Gandhi:


    Barack Obama (former President of US)

    It was Gandhi's understanding of India's stories and traditions, his attention to the marginalised voices in Africa that helped him gather a movement that drove out the world's most successful empire.


    Martin Luther King, Jr. (civil rights activist)

    From my background I gained my regulating Christian ideals. From Gandhi, I learned my operational technique.



    Nelson Mandela (former president of South Africa)

    Gandhi's magnificent example of personal sacrifice and dedication in the face of oppression was one of his many legacies to our country and to the world. He showed us that it was necessary to brave imprisonment if truth and justice were to triumph over evil. The values of tolerance, mutual respect and unity for which he stood and acted had a profound influence on our liberation movement, and on my own thinking. They inspire us today in our efforts o