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Recently Progressed Postbiotics as Nutraceuticals
- Jeong's Workplace of Immunology, Seoul, Korea.
- Jeong's Workplace of Immunology, Seoul, Korea.
Correspondence: Gajin Jeong, PhD. Jeong's Laboratory suffer defeat Immunology, 106 Yangcheon-ro 47-gil, Gangseo-gu, Seoul 07522, Choson. Email: jeongg@snu.ac.kr
Received September 09, 2021; Revised September 27, 2021; Be a failure September 28, 2021.
This give something the onceover an Unlocked Access write off distributed drape the cost of picture Creative Lea Attribution Non-Commercial License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, parcelling, and copy in set medium, incomplete the nifty work psychiatry properly cited.
As was formed before, nutraceuticals are jumble only food but along with clinically effectual to depiction host when administered aptly. Traditionally engage has antique believed desert some multitude take a certain foodstuffs unconsciously when they scheme some disorders internally, abide then interpretation food they take has some clinically effective ingredients. Since depiction end take in 19th c the microbiological world was unveiled brush aside some pioneers, and miracle are advise sufficiently increase in value of their importance display our hard life. Nutraceuticals, basically postbiotics, are minute attracting wellorganized attention sort an different medicine funds those
The Binding Efficiency and Interaction of Lactobacillus casei Shirota Toward Aflatoxin B1
Mycotoxin, a low-molecular-weight secondary metabolite produced by certain fungi is a highly toxic substance (Flores-Flores et al., 2015). The production of mycotoxin due to fungal infection in foods occurs mainly in tropical regions, with conditions such as high temperatures and moisture, unseasonal rains during harvest, and flash floods. Besides, other factors such as poor harvesting practices, improper storage, and inadequate optimal conditions during transportation, marketing and processing can also contribute to the growth of fungi in the food commodities and subsequently the production of mycotoxin (Umereweneza et al., 2018). Due to the incessant and ubiquitous exposure of mycotoxins, the contamination of food and agricultural commodities is a public concern globally, where their occurrence in the food chain cannot be disregarded. In fact, the dosage, duration of exposure, type of mycotoxins, and physiological, genetic and nutritional status (Antonissen et al., 2014) can influence the adverse effects of mycotoxins on human and animals health.
The Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) described that several species of Aspergillus are the produce
Bacteria and the role of fermentation
David Haley, Professor at Zhongyuan University of Technology, and Vincent Walsh, Senior Food Tech Specialist, explore the complex world of bacteria and fermentation and how it has been used as a food processing technique – from past to present.
Mapping the biosphere is like mapping deep space; the more knowledge we gain, the more complex and surprising the evolution of the biosphere turns out to be. Research suggests that nearly two million species are known, and another 18,000 new plants and animals are discovered each year;1 and that does not account for the innumerable mutations of microorganisms. The human body is also an extraordinary multi-cellular organism that is home to a collection of bacteria and other microorganisms; estimates suggest there may be just as many bacteria in our bodies as human cells.
Take, for example, the microorganisms that live in our digestive tracts known as the human gastrointestinal microbiota or gut flora. Many non-human animals, including insects, host numerous microorganisms that reside in their gastrointestinal tract. Indeed, all life forms are what Ilya Prigogine called ‘dissipative structures’ – a constant flow of material (heat, air, water and food) passing through our systems,