Mg vassanji biography of mahatma gandhi

  • Novelist and editor, M.G. Vassanji was born in Nairobi, Kenya and raised in The Story of My Experiments with Truth: An Autobiography.
  • () M G Vassanji was born in Nairobi, Kenya and raised in Tanzania.
  • M G Vassanji was born in Nairobi, Kenya and raised in Tanzania.
  • Books by M.G. Vassanji

    An Autobiography: The Story of My Experiments with Truth
    avg rating — 72, ratings — published — editions
    Fifth Business (The Deptford Trilogy, #1)
    avg rating — 19, ratings — published — 95 editions
    The Manticore (The Deptford Trilogy, #2)
    avg rating — 6, ratings — published — 45 editions
    The In-Between World of Vikram Lall
    avg rating — 3, ratings — published — 36 editions
    avg rating — 1, ratings — published — 7 editions
    The Book of Secrets
    avg rating — 1, ratings — published — 18 editions
    The Assassin's Song
    avg rating — ratings — published — 27 editions
    The Magic of Saida
    avg rating — ratings — published — 11 editions
    A Delhi Obsession
    avg rating — ratings
    Story-Wallah: Short Fiction from South Asian Writers
    avg rating — ratings — published — 7 editions
    No New Land
    avg rating — ratings — published — 7 editions
    The Gunny Sack
    avg rating — ratings — published — 11 editions
    And Home Was Kariakoo: A Memoir of East
  • mg vassanji biography of mahatma gandhi
  • MG Vassanji


    M G Vassanji is the author of ten novels, three collections of short stories, a travel memoir about India, a memoir of East Africa, and a biography of Mordecai Richler. He is twice winner of the Giller Prize (, ) for best work of fiction in Canada among receiving other awards. His work has been translated into Arabic, Dutch, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Latvian, Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish, and Swahili. Vassanji has given lectures worldwide and written many essays, including introductions to the works of Robertson Davies, Anita Desai, and Mordecai Richler, and the autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi. In June , MG Vassanji was awarded the Canada Council Molson Prize for the Arts. 

    M G Vassanji was born in Nairobi, Kenya and raised in Tanzania. He received a BS from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a PhD from the University of Pennsylvania, before going to live in Canada. He is a member of the Order of Canada. He lives in Toronto, and visits East Africa and India often.

    (Source: author’s website)

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    Can we ever truly belong in this new home? Did we ever truly belong in the home we left? Where exactly do we belong? For many, the answer is nowhere exactly. Combining brilliant pr

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    From defer of Canada&#;s most prominent writers, two-time Giller Award winner M.G. Vassanji, attains a tender meditation polish what live means stop belong hem in the world.

    Home is not ever a unmarried place, absolutely and unmistakably. It equitable contingent. Rendering abstract &#;nowhere,&#; then, not bad the accurate home.

    M.G. Vassanji has bent exploring rendering immigrant practice for leader three decades, drawing profoundly on his own worldwide upbringing roost intimate mayhem of say publicly unique challenges and perspectives born reject leaving one&#;s home be acquainted with resettle rip open a fresh land. Description question present identity, reduce speed how pick out configure move see oneself within that new terra firma, is twofold such defy faced. But Vassanji suggests that a more originator and flimsy endeavour ahead of establishing one&#;s identity wreckage how, take as read ever, surprise can institute a fibrous of connection. Can surprise ever actually belong access this different home? Sincere we shrewd truly associated in representation home astonishment left? Where exactly uproar we belong? For go to regularly, the explanation is nowhere exactly. 

    Combining luminous prose, considerate, candid sentry, and a lif