Eliana dockterman biography of william

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    Fresh off a breakup and in search of a job that would finance creative writing classes, Carrie Sun took a position as the personal assistant to a billionaire hedge-fund founder—though she wasn’t allowed to call her place of work a “hedge fund” while there, because her boss thought the name had negative connotations. The joys of Sun’s memoir lie in the absurdity of her tasks: coaxing a famous athlete to a company party, sourcing Mitt Romney’s phone number on a deadline, coordinating private-jet departures. The world of privilege she conjures is easy enough to envision—we’ve gobbled it up on TV shows like Successionand Industry. What stretches credulity is the naivete of Sun, who had previously worked another high-pressure finance job. Not only does she believe her boss is compounding his billions for the betterment of the world (spoiler alert: she is eventually disabused of this notion), but she also calculates she’ll have plenty of time to take classes and write on the side. Surely the fact that she had to endure 14 interviews before she was hired should have signaled that her workaholic boss would eat up her weekends. But as Sun reckons with her error in judgment, she also begins to reexamine oth

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  • eliana dockterman biography of william
  • Eliana dockterman biography of william

    Publication: TIME Story: TIME Person of the Year The Silence Breakers Reporter: Eliana Dockterman The brave, sometimes disturbing and wrenching words from victims of rape, sexual assault and sexual harassment permeated this past year.

    Accusations rocked nearly every industry, changing the lives of the men and women involved and shifting our national conversation. Many of those women became the face of TIME magazine this week on its annual Person of the Year issue.

    Eliana dockterman biography of william hurt

    From famous actresses and musicians, to businesswomen and housekeepers, this week&#;s cover story once again proved harassment doesn&#;t discriminate. Eliana Dockterman, one of the co-writers of the cover story, spent much of the past two months hearing the words of women and men across the country to help tell the story of the nation&#;s &#;cultural shift.&#; &#;I think this is the year women said &#;No, men aren&#;t going to get away with that anymore.

    Enough. We&#;re done with this,'