Diego rivera biography summary organizer
Summary of Diego Rivera
Widely regarded as the most influential Mexican artist of the 20th century, Diego Rivera was truly a larger-than-life figure who spent significant periods of his career in Europe and the U.S., in addition to his native Mexico. Together with David Alfaro Siqueiros and José Clemente Orozco, Rivera was among the leading members and founders of the Mexican Muralist movement. Deploying a style informed by disparate sources such as European modern masters and Mexico's pre-Columbian heritage, and executed in the technique of Italian fresco painting, Rivera handled major themes appropriate to the scale of his chosen art form: social inequality; the relationship of nature, industry, and technology; and the history and fate of Mexico. More than half a century after his death, Rivera is still among the most revered figures in Mexico, celebrated for both his role in the country's artistic renaissance and re-invigoration of the mural genre as well as for his outsized persona.
- Rivera made the painting of murals his primary method, appreciating the large scale and public accessibility—the opposite of what he regarded as the elitist character of paintings in galleries and museums. Rivera used the walls of universities and other public buildings
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Diego Rivera,
Rivera was born in the city of Guanajuato in and at the very early age of three began to draw. He studied in the San Carlos Academy from to as a pupil of Santiago Rebull, Salomé Piña, Félix Parra, José María Velasco and Antonio Fabrés. With the help of the promoter and painter Gerardo Murillo (Dr. Atl) he gave an exhibition in Later he went to Spain thanks to a scholarship awarded to him by the Porfirian governor, and his travels to Europe enabled him to come into contact with Renaissance, Cubist and avant-garde works. His work shows study and analysis of neoimpressionism, Cézannism, Fauvism and Cubism. He experimented with oils, pastels, watercolors, fresco, encaustic and tempera on cloth, cardboard, papaer and pressed cork. Before returning to Mexico, he visited Italy where he saw and was impressed by Renaissance frescoes. His first mural, The Creation, painted in , was for the Simón Bolívar Amphiteather of the National Preparatory School. The same year he was one of the organizers of the Technical and Plastic Workers´Union. In he went to the United States, where he painted murals in San Francisco and Detroit and in New York, one for the Rockefeller Center, which was destroyed. In , Rivera