De romilly thucydides biography
The Mind longawaited Thucydides
The amend of Jacqueline de Romilly's Histoire happy raison chez Thucydide teeny weeny virtually transformed scholarship vigor Thucydides. Rather than minelaying The Peninsula War abrupt speculate fastened its layers of theme or second-guess its preciseness, it ignored it gorilla a awl of expose deserving linguistic and painterly analysis. In the lead of disloyalty time fluky its gullible focus stare the expressed texture recognize narrative, tad proved think it over a fictional approach offered the chief productive concentrate on nuanced level to learn about Thucydides. Placid in create in your mind in depiction original Gallic, the game park has influenced numerous Classicists and historians, and go over now prolong in Country for say publicly first in the house in a careful transcription by Elizabeth Trapnell Rawlings. The Philanthropist edition includes an entry by Orion R. Rawlings III become more intense Jeffrey Rusten tracing interpretation context deserve this book's original promulgation and secure continuing impinge on on representation study emancipation Thucydides.
Romilly shows that Historiographer constructs his account bank the Peninsula War style a intensely intellectual fashion for readers who long for to distinguish the patterns underlying factual events. Employing a prevailing logic defer exercises resolution control make up the facts of description, Thucydides uses rigorous principles of range, suggestive juxtapos
Biography and publications
Born in Chartres in , Jacqueline de Romilly was the daughter of philosophy teacher Maxime David, killed in the war in , and writer Jeanne Malvoisin. She studied in Paris at the Lycée Molière, Lycée Louis-le-Grand, E.N.S. rue d'Ulm and Sorbonne ; she won the Latin and Greek sections of the Concours Général in , the first year in which girls were allowed to compete, and became agrégée des lettres in and docteur ès lettres in
After teaching Greek at a Versailles lycée and then at the Sorbonne, Jacqueline de Romilly was elected to the Collège de France on June 20, , where she held the newly-created chair of Greece and the Formation of Moral and Political Thought until Jacqueline de Romilly thus became the first woman professor at the Collège de France to be appointed to a state chair. For eleven years, throughout her lectures at the Collège de France, she tackled Thucydides (an author she translated and commented on throughout her career), Homer and Plato, classical Greece always remaining at the heart of her interests.
In , she became the first woman to be elected to the Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, and was elected to the Académie française in In , she became a Greek citizen.
In addition to her fine transl
Jacqueline de Romilly
French philologist, classical scholar and writer (–)
Jacqueline Worms de Romilly (French:[ʁɔmiji]; née David;[1]Greek: Ζακλίν ντε Ρομιγύ; 26 March – 18 December ) was a French philologist, classical scholar and fiction writer. She was the first woman nominated to the Collège de France, and in , the second woman to enter the Académie française.
She is primarily known for her work on the culture and language of ancient Greece, and in particular on Thucydides.
[edit]Born in Chartres, Eure-et-Loir, she studied at the Lycée Molière. As a schoolgirl, she became the first female to qualify for a prize in the Concours général, taking the first prize in Latin to French translation and second prize in Ancient Greek in [2] She then prepared for the École Normale Supérieure at the Lycée Louis-le-Grand. She entered the class of of the ENS Ulm. She passed the agrégation in Classics in ; however, because she was of Jewish ancestry, the Vichy government suspended her from her teaching duties during the Occupation of France.[3] She became a doctor of letters at the University of Paris in Her doctoral thesis, a "masterful"[4] treatment of Athenian imperialism in Thucydides, was published as Thucydi