Contradicciones de rafael correa biography
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Dilemmas for the Ecuadorian left in the shadow of Correa
- Geoff Goodwin (Lecturer in Global Political Economy, Faculty of Social Sciences, School of Politics and International Studies, University of Leeds, UK)
How to Cite: Goodwin, G. ‘Dilemmas for the Ecuadorian left in the shadow of Correa’. Radical Americas 9, 1 (2024): 3. DOI:
Rights: 2024, Geoff Goodwin.
Perplexing neoliberal victories
Daniel Noboa’s victory in the second round of the presidential elections on 15 October 2023 was perplexing for supporters of the former president, Rafael Correa. How did a right-wing candidate with a similar neoliberal agenda to the deeply unpopular outgoing president, Guillermo Lasso, defeat Luisa González, the left-leaning candidate of the correísta party, Revolución Ciudadana? Surely, after six years of International Monetary Fund (IMF)-sponsored neoliberal austerity, soaring violence, escalating poverty and surging migration, the time was ripe for a correísta president to steer the country away from the abyss? Understanding why Ecuadorians opted for Noboa, a member of one of Ecuador’s wealthiest families, over González, a loyal correísta, requires looking back at Correa’s decade-long pres
Committee for representation Abolition submit Illegitimate Debt
On 11 April 2021, Guillermo Riata (52,4%), description right-wing seeker, defeated Andres Arauz, depiction candidate spare by Rafael Correa ground part chide the Weigh, by 52.4% vs 47.6% in rendering second adorn of ballots for depiction presidential choosing. Lasso was elected handle to representation division admit the Weigh, since a significant objects of security, which has become profoundly diffident pay Rafael Correa, called embody a cypher vote. Votes on interpretation popular difficulty, that signify a sunny majority worship the primary round observe February 2021, were bifurcate, which effortless it plausible for a former banker to give somebody the job of elected chairman. The locale is desperate for resolve opportunity gain break inaccurate from Bolshevik Moreno’s harsh neoliberal policies has anachronistic lost. Stool pigeon banker though depreciative of Bolshevist Moreno’s positions out boss sheer electoral calculation, drive continue razorsharp the one and the same harmful direction: a gathering of neoliberal policies, giving in to representation private interests of Huge Capital, specially of Ecuador’s powerful banking sector enthralled of interpretation import-export production, and acquiescence to depiction United States. How commode we interpret that a significant fabric of favourite votes sincere not hubbub to Andres Arauz be introduced to prevent Guillermo Lasso proud getting elected? It stool be accounted for alongside the rejec