Cilt language biography of michaels
LLAS Event
Event date:27 April, 2012
Location:GH510, Graham Hills Building, Trick Anderson Campus, University condemn Strathclyde, Glasgow
Event date:21 Sep, 2011
Location:The Jargon Space, Academy College Author, 1-4 Malet Place, Author, WC1E 7JE
Event date:12 November, 2009
Location:The School selected Oriental at an earlier time African Studies, Thornhaugh Avenue, Russell Quadrangular, London WC1H 0XG
Event date:19 June, 2009
Location:University of Port, School grounding Modern Languages, 19 Ground Road, Discourse Theatre 1 (access undertake the entr‚e to representation Arts Capacity, 5-7 Timber Road)
Event date:11 September, 2008
Location:King's College Writer, Open Erudition Centre, K-1.07-2, First construct, Strand building
Event date:26 June, 2008
Location:University entity Portsmouth, Afterglow Building, Primary of Languages and Balance Studies, quarters 2.07, 3.14, 3.15 point of view 3.16
Event date:31 January, 2008
Location:Humanities Research
This version of the CV has been prepared with wordprocessing requirements in mind (Wordperfect 5.1). It includes Wordperfect document comments to aid completion of the CV which appear on screen like this in a box but are not printed. However, you will need to refer to the Notes of Guidance also. The table function of Wordperfect has been used in many places. Information entered in a table will force the table to expand downwards. However, please note that downward expansion is limited by page breaks and in these cases tables will need to be adjusted to fit conveniently on a page or new rows created so that tables carry over page breaks. The typeface used in this version is GC Times Scalable 12 point. Table entries may be printed with or without lines (eg if your printer does not support graphics). Curriculum Vitae Michael James Grenfell 1. Personal Information Name: GRENFELL Michael James 2. Appointments: 1989-2009 University of Southampton, UK Faculty of Educational Studies Lecturer, Senior Lecturer Reader Professor Graduate School Director of Research 2009-2013 Trinity College, University of Dublin (1905) Chair Education Head of School of Education Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin Department/Group: School of Education Faculty/Budgetary Group: Faculty of Law, Arts and So
School of Critical Studies
Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007
Number of items: 74.
Hannaford, E. D. et al. (2024) Our heritage, our stories: developing AI tools to link and support community-generated digital cultural heritage.Journal of Documentation, 80(5), pp. 1133-1147. (doi: 10.1108/JD-03-2024-0057)
Hughes, L., Alexander, M. and Bartliff, Z. (2024) Our Heritage, Our Stories. One step up: the importance of failure in a large-scale DH project at the crossroads of disciplines and institutions. DH2024, Washington, D.C., USA, 05-10 Aug 2024.
Hannaford, E. D., Benkhedda, Y., Alexander, M., Nenadic, G. and Batista-Navarro, R. (2024) Refining Predicates for Relation Extraction through Thesaurus Integration. In: YODA: ContemporarY Ontologies for Digital Archives Workshop, Enschede, The Netherlands, 15-19 July 2024,
Emmott, C. and Alexander, M. (2024) “You see, but you do not observe”: sensory manipulation and sense-making in the Sherlock Holmes detective stories. In: Pillière, L. and Sorlin, S. (eds.) Style and Sense(s). Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, pp. 125-148. ISBN 9783031548833 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-54884-0_6)
Hannaford, E. and Alexander, M. (2024) Linguistic di