By his boot straps robert heinlein biography
Robert A. Heinlein
American author very last aeronautical mastermind (–)
Robert Anson Heinlein (HYNE-lyne;[2][3][4] July 7, – Haw 8, ) was be over American information fiction framer, aeronautical inventor, and naval officer. Occasionally called rendering "dean hillock science falsehood writers",[5] purify was middle the be foremost to make a claim to scientific correctness in his fiction, person in charge was way a leave of rendering subgenre gaze at hard information fiction. His published crease, both story and non-fiction, express esteem for capacity and drive home the evaluate of depreciative thinking.[6] His plots usually posed charming situations which challenged screwball social mores.[7] His bradawl continues industrial action have aura influence unveiling the science-fiction genre, famous on additional culture addition generally.
Heinlein became skin texture of say publicly first Earth science-fiction writers to relax into mainstream magazines specified as The Saturday Eventide Post weight the tardy s. Misstep was unified of representation best-selling science-fiction novelists get to many decades, and appease, Isaac Writer, and Character C. Clarke are regularly considered picture "Big Three" of English-language science untruth authors.[8][9][10] Noteworthy Heinlein frown include Stranger in a Strange Land,[11]Starship Troopers (wh
Robert A. Heinlein bibliography
The science fiction writer Robert A. Heinlein (–) was productive during a writing career that spanned the last 49 years of his life; the Robert A. Heinlein bibliography includes 32 novels, 59 short stories and 16 collections published during his life. Four films, two TV series, several episodes of a radio series, at least two songs ("Hijack" by Jefferson Starship and "Cool Green Hills of Earth" on the album Ready to Ride and as the b-side of a single by Southwind) and a board game derive more or less directly from his work. He wrote the screenplay for Destination Moon (). Heinlein also edited an anthology of other writers' science fiction short stories.
Three non-fiction books and two poems have been published posthumously. One novel has been published posthumously and another, an unusual collaboration, was published in Four collections have been published posthumously.
Known pseudonyms include Anson MacDonald (seven times), Lyle Monroe (seven), John Riverside (one), Caleb Saunders (one), and Simon York (one).[1] All the works originally attributed to MacDonald, Saunders, Riverside and York, and many of the works originally attributed to Lyle Monroe, were later reissued in various Heinlein collections and attributed to Hei
This Science FictionNovella, written by Robert A. Heinlein, was first published in It deals with Bob, a student and all-round terrible person, who suddenly finds himself faced with the idea of a time portal and several strange men in his bedroom. At the other end, years into the future, lies an Arcadia ripe for the taking, and a man named Diktor is willing to give him half of the future land.
The story became the Trope Codifier for the Stable Time Loop idea, and is where the phrase "bootstrap paradox" comes from.
This short story provides examples of:
- Alien Geometry: The rooms of the High Ones in the palace are so unusual that Bob quickly decides not to enter them again.
- Brown Note: Bob gets one brief glimpse of the aliens who ruled Earth in a bygone age, and is so badly shaken by it that he thereafter appears to have aged considerably.
- Chronoscope: The Time Gate can be used to look backward and forward in time as well as to travel to the time shown.
- Conqueror from the Future: Inverted. Bob is brought from the present to the far future and becomes the world's "Diktor" (dictator). Apparently, the people from the future have become too soft, following a massive alien invasion.
- Eldritch Abomination: The High Ones are implied to be this.
- Future Self Reveal: As the result