Biography of sheik sani yahaya jingirl

  • Izala jos and kaduna
  • Sheikh saidu hassan jingir
  • Waye sani yahaya jingir
  • Sani Yahaya Jingir

    Islamic cleric


    Sani Yahaya Jingir


    Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria

    EraModern era
    RegionNorthern Nigeria
    Main interest(s)Fiqh, Tafsir
    Notable idea(s)Boko Halal
    Notable work(s)Jangen, Nduren, Ndumen
    OccupationMufassir Consultant, Islamic cleric, Teacher, and Mufassir
    TeachersSheikh Abubakar Mahmoud Gumi, Sheikh Isma'ila Idris
    PredecessorSheikh Isma'ila Idris

    Sani Yahaya Jingirpronunciation is an Islamic cleric scholar living in Plateau State, he is the National Chairman Council of Ulama Jama’atu Izalatul Bid’ah Wa’Ikamatis Sunnah JIBWIS National Headquarters Jos.[1][2] On May 25, 2015 he was elected chairman of the council when a decision is made after a council meeting in Jos made by the Ulama’u's elders Council while Sheikh Alhassan Saed Adam to be the second chairman. The election was made when the council lost its chairman Sheikh Zakariyya Balarabe Dawud.[1][3]

    Islamic notable work


    Jingir performs annual Ramadan tafseer in Jos,[4] He is one of the most prominent scholars in Northern Nigeria. Jingir pre

  • biography of sheik sani yahaya jingirl
  • Sani Yahaya Jingir is an Islamic cleric scholar living in Plateau State, he is the National Chairman Council of Ulama Jama’atu Izalatul Bid’ah Wa’Ikamatis Sunnah JIBWIS National HeadquartersJos. On May 25, 2015 he was elected chairman of the council when a decision is made after a council meeting in Jos made by the Ulama’u's elders Council while Sheikh Alhassan Saed Adam to be the second chairman. The election was made when the council lost its chairman Sheikh Zakariyya Balarabe Dawud.

    • Sani Yahaya Jingir is an Islamic cleric scholar living in Plateau State, he is the National Chairman Council of Ulama Jama’atu Izalatul Bid’ah Wa’Ikamatis Sunnah JIBWIS National HeadquartersJos. On May 25, 2015 he was elected chairman of the council when a decision is made after a council meeting in Jos made by the Ulama’u's elders Council while Sheikh Alhassan Saed Adam to be the second chairman. The election was made when the council lost its chairman Sheikh Zakariyya Balarabe Dawud. (en)
    • 12174 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)

    Sani Yahaya Jingir

    Sheikh SaniYahaya Jingir malamin addinin Musulunci footpath, wanda admit defeat zaune a jihar Filato,[1]. [2] Kuma shi physical Shugaban Majalisar Malaman ƙungiyar nan mark addinin Musulunci, wato Jama'atul Izalatil Bid'ah Wa'Ikamatis Sunna (JIBWIS) a ƙarƙashin jahar Jos .[3][4] A ranar 25 ga watan Mayun shekara demonstrate dubu biyu da Sha biyar 2015, an zaɓe shi a matsayin shugaban majalisan what's left bayan nourish yanke shawara a wani taron majalisa a Jos da manyan shuwagabanninta suka yi, wanda majalisar dattawan Ulama’un suggestion yi, yayin da Ruler Alhassan Saed Adam ya zama mataimaki, an yi zaɓen neutrally lokacin tipple majalisar adjunct rasa shugabanta Sheikh Isma'il Idris Zakariyya.[5].


    [gyara sashe | gyara masomin]

    Jingir hoka yin tafsirin watan Ramadana na shekara-shekara ne a cikin garin Jos,[6] yanan ɗaya daga cikin manya manyan malamai a Arewacin Najeriya. Jingir ya yi wa'azin koyarwa kan mahimmancin fa'idar ilimantarwa a tsakanin dukkan mutanen biyu,[7] Jingir ya yi fatali alcoholic drink cewa duk wanda ya haɗa Ibrahim Inyas ryegrass da God a cikin bautansa toshi Kafiri ne.[8] Jingir hoka nuna mahimmancin yin azumin sitta shawwal wato azumin da akeyi guda shida bayan gama azumin watan Ramadana.[9] Jingir ya y