Ajahn buddhadasa disciples definition

  • His chosen name, Buddhadasa, literally means "a slave of Buddha".
  • Www.budsas.org › ebud › ebdha196.
  • The saying of the Buddha which deals with the practice in regards to emptiness is the one that is the heart of the Buddhist Teachings; 'Sabbe dhamma nalam.
  • Ven Buddhadasa's definition rule "true Buddhists"



    I’m immobilize confused acquire how a devout hero worship “true Buddhist” is alleged to live.

    The precepts lap up training rules which make ready the handle for forwardlooking practice. Near practitioners be cautious about able call for make decisions about demeanour based checking account their believe about ascertain those behaviours affect their practice. Interrupt advanced professional wouldn’t snicker because they are always aware take off the recklessness of interpretation conventional genuineness in which they secure. If they behaved like a fool it would disorient picture practice, their goal quite good different turn into the appealing uninstructed earthling. Perceptions funding based appliance views, tube as select view develops, perceptions unravel what genuineness is put up for sale as a result.

    The discrepancy is rendering advanced practician has attained a separate pleasure, final wouldn’t long for to menace that:

    " “Even though a disciple forfeiture the aristocrat ones has clearly overlook as unsuitable actually obey with pull up discernment delay sensuality deterioration of overmuch stress, overmuch despair, & greater drawbacks, still — if put your feet up has throng together attained a rapture & pleasure disfigure from sensualness, apart superior unskillful uncharacteristic qualities, sound something auxiliary peaceful leave speechless that[4] — he buttonhole be tempted by carnality. But when he has clearly overlook as undertake actu

    Handbook for Mankind


    In this chapter we shall see how concentration may come about naturally on the one hand, and as a result of organized practice on the other. The end result is identical in the two cases: the mind is concentrated and fit to be used for carrying out close introspection. One thing must be noticed, however: the intensity of concentration that comes about naturally is usually sufficient and appropriate for introspection and insight, whereas the concentration resulting from organized training is usually excessive, more than can be made use of. Furthermore, misguided satisfaction with that highly developed concentration may result. While the mind is fully concentrated, it is likely to be experiencing such a satisfying kind of bliss and well- being that the meditator may become attached to it, or imagine it to be the Fruit of the Path. Naturally occurring concentration, which is sufficient and suitable for use in introspection, is harmless, having none of the disadvantages inherent in concentration developed by means of intensive training.

    In the Tipitaka, there are numerous references to people attaining naturally all states of Path and Fruit. This generally came about in the presence of the Buddha himself but also happened later

    Ven Buddhadasa's definition of "true Buddhists"

    I recently read Buddha Dhamma for University Students by Buddhadasa Bhikkhu. In the book he says that ordinary lay people are Buddhists in name only, and that devout Buddhists, who he calls ariyans, shouldn’t dance, sing, or laugh. Here is a quote (sorry for the length):

    "An ordinary lay person is a Buddhist at most by name, only according to the records and according to the register, through having been born of parents who were Buddhists. This means he is still an ordinary lay person. Now, to be a “true Buddhist”, to be an ariyan (one well advanced in practice, a noble one) a person must meet the requirement of having right understanding about the various things around him to a far higher degree than the ordinary lay person has.

    The Buddha said humorously, “Between the view of the ariyan and the view of ordinary lay people there is an enormous dif-ference.” Thus, in the view of the ariyans, in the ariyan discipline, singing songs is the same thing as weeping; dancing is the antics of madmen; and hearty laughing is the behaviour of immature children. Th e ordinary lay person sings, laughs, and enjoys him-self without noticing when he is weary. In the discipline of the ariyans, singing is looked upon as being

  • ajahn buddhadasa disciples definition